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Top 10 Virtual Event Tips To Consider

Virtual Event Company - Every event in Singapore, whether a serious, educational or fun one has now ventured into previously unchartered territories - how to effectively create an excellent experience for all participants through the screen. Choose a Virtual Event Company with a vast knowledge of virtual events that understands the digital realm and its requirements like the back of its hands - Se7en Friday Event Company.

Read on for 10 quick, but necessary, tips for organising a successful virtual event!

Avoid All Day Events

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Just like how all-day events can get tiring and repetitive, most people can’t hang out in front of their screens all day long. Plan extensively with your virtual event company and brainstorm ways to make your event work, especially if it is a more serious seminar or conference-type affair.

Space Out Sessions Or Events

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If for example, you are conducting a whole day retreat-type virtual event, or a fun few hours of team bonding through the screen, make sure to talk to your virtual event company to space out your sessions to ensure your participants have time to breath in between.

Be Highly Accessible

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Be visible everywhere. A good virtual event company ensures that they utilise every available social media platform and digital space to create a seamless, well-viewed, and highly accessible event.

Have A Clear Goal

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Start the event preparation from detailed goal setting to doing proper market research to examining the personalities of your attendees. Nothing is too unimportant to give your attention to.

Incentivise Attendance

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This comes along with having a clear goal and purpose to your event. From offering free gifts to providing a guide to free content, or even digital freebies. Provide some form of incentive to increase attendance.

Prepare For Technical Issues

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You can never be too prepared. Every event comes with its hiccups and missteps. What makes the difference is how these lapses are handled. Engage a virtual event company that is well-equipped with the experienced staff to handle all issues, technical or otherwise.

Get Feedback

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Always get your virtual event company to ensure you get feedback from your participants at the end of each session or the entire event. There is always something to improve on, or another perspective to acquire to make the next one even better.

Pre-Recorded vs Live

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Deliver a mix of both live streaming material as well as content that is pre-recorded. Have your virtual event company create a mix of different content types to allow the event to remain fresh and exciting.

Set The Right Theme

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While every event requires a theme to engage its participants and allows them to come appropriately prepared, this aspect is even more important for any to take note of when it comes to virtual events.

Communicate Everything!

Don’t forget to make your agenda or itinerary available to everyone before the event. Make it fun, and engaging. This keeps all your participants clued in and interested to turn on their screens!


Singapore's Leading Virtual & Live Streaming

Event Management Company

Click here to contact virtual event company Se7en Friday for your virtual event & live streaming event purposes.

We look forward to introducing you to our friendly & experienced team to assist you to get your event, virtual!


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