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Here's An Event For Every Friday Of The Month

Event Company Singapore: If you didn't already know, we're called Se7en Friday Event Company. Why is that? Cause we try to keep the 'It's Friday!' celebratory ethic for everyday of our work week! Not many companies have this work ethic. However, we'd like to contribute 4 ideas for every Friday in the month, so that you can make Fridays a special culture in your company. We're sure it will even help in productivity. Check them out:

1. Pizza And Beers Friday

You don't need an event company Singapore to Pizza and Beer Friday is sure to be a hit in the workplace! While I'm sure we all wish we can have pizza and beers every week when Friday comes around, to be on the healthy side, we're proposing this combination for just 1 Friday a week. Some Hawaiian flavoured pizza and Erdinger German brew ought to be just right to start the weekend.

2. Playstation Friday

Ever heard of the phrase all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy? Well I'm sure employers can argue that all play and no work isn't productive either. So what do we do? Let's add play in for 1 Friday a month! Whether it's a Playstation, or an XBox 360, we'll leave the HR guys to decide on what makes a more fun gaming addition to the office.

3. Beer Pong

So we did say you can't have pizza and beer every Friday, but just beer every Friday is more than OK we believe. Only guzzling beer and chatting though can be a bit boring. Why not make a competition out of it? Some friendly office beer pong contesting could even improve cohesiveness and sportsmanship among colleagues. Just make sure you place some newspapers around so the beer doesn't get everywhere. If all else fails, call your trusted event company Singapore, Se7en Friday, to assist. We'll bring the gloves!

4. Muscle Up Friday

So, let's see. We went through Pizza, Beer, Playstation (or XBox) and more Beer. We think you'll need some healthy living to complete our Friday-month, don't you? If the boss approves, why not end work at 4pm on 1 Friday a month and everyone head to the gym together. Colleagues lifting and spotting one another could definitely increase work, and outside work, bonding. Also, wouldn't you want a fitter, healthier work force? We definitely would!

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at


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