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5 Networking Topics to Discuss at a Networking Event

Event Company Singapore

Event Company Singapore: These ice breakers aren't just effective, easy and fun; they're also totally work appropriate. Science shows that swapping more substantive conversations for the same old vacuous small talk can help you be much happier. Which is why we are always on the lookout for better ice breakers that the usual 'What do you do?' or 'Did you watch the game on Saturday?'

This search has yielded plenty of great alternative conversation starters, but as entertaining as many are, they often suffer from one big drawback -- they're not appropriate for a professional context. You can't (usually) go up to a dream hire or much longed for potential client at a networking event and kick things off with "What's your plan for the zombie apocalypse?" after all.

Are there any conversation starters that tick all the boxes? Fear not, there are a few that are fun, effective AND professional. I've scoured the internet to find them.

1. What do you love most about your line of work?

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Several experts recommend some version of this question. A couple of reasons why: One, the subject will feel important and be open to sharing his or her personal stories and beliefs. Two, you'll get great insider information on the field in which you work or intend to work at this event company Singapore.

2. What's your favorite part of the event so far?

This is basically a variation on question one that's more tailored to large event company Singapore like conferences, and it shares the same virtues as the first ice breaker -- it's positive and invites a detailed but still not excessively personal reply that should give you more fodder for further conversation.

3. Who are some of your favorite experts or authors?

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People like to show they're in the know about cool influencers, so this question is sure to draw others out and you're also likely to get some great recommendations. Of course, you should be prepared to reciprocate with your own suggestions at the event company Singapore.

4. How did you get into the industry?

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People enjoy talking about themselves, and they enjoy reminiscing about what brought them to the work in the first place. This question is particularly well suited to schmoozing with executives and other high-level contacts at event company Singapore.

5. I love your bag. Where'd you get it?

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No, this won't lead your new connection to instantly bare their soul to you, but it will break the ice and help them remember you. To the brain, receiving a compliment is as much a social reward as being rewarded money at a networking event company Singapore.

H/T: inc

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