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4 Ideas to Promote Your Event

Event Company: 4 Ideas to Promote Your Event

Event Company: If you put on an event but don't promote it, will it even happen? Without promotion, you probably won't get any attendees because no one will know it's happening.

While event promotion is simple in theory, actually planning a successful marketing strategy and promotion plan is not.

Of course, you've seen large-scale event promotions. But you're probably thinking, "We don't have that kind of budget" or "What are more creative ways to increase brand awareness and lead generation?"

Well, that's what we'll discover in this post. Let's review some of our favorite ways to creatively promote your event without breaking the bank.

1. Offer Early Bird Registration

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A great way to promote your event company events is to offer early bird registration. This will incentivize your audience to sign up for your event early.

Additionally, this will give you a good idea of how to continue promoting your event -- are people interested? What are their objections? Is your current marketing plan working?

With early bird registration, you'll be able to gauge your audience's interest and your marketing tactics. Plus, it incentivizes people to buy tickets as soon as possible for the discount.

2. Product A Creative Landing Page

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The landing page for your event is the primary way to communicate information about your event company event. You should post all the details about the event -- the day, time, location, topic, goals, etc.

Additionally, you can post an agenda so people know what the content will be like at the event. You can also use this page to post about speakers or influencers you have attending.

It's also a good idea to include photos or videos from your last event and have an FAQ page that answers any repeating questions.

And of course, you'll want to link to your social media pages and place a call to action on the page for people to purchase tickets.

3. Participate in Content Marketing

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Before your event company event, it's a good idea to start posting about it throughout your content marketing channels.

You can post CTAs in your YouTube videos, discuss the event in your blog posts, talk about it in a podcast, or post on social media.

Whatever channels you use to post content marketing assets can be used as a way to promote your event.

4. Have Event-Specific Branding

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Another great way to get the word out about your event is to have event-specific branding. Make your event company event a brand in and of itself. This is the way that HubSpot promotes the INBOUND event. INBOUND is a separate brand from HubSpot. It's not just an event for our customers. It's an event for any marketer, sales, or service professional who wants to learn more and educate themselves.

To do this, separate the event brand from your company brand. Have a different website, different colors, different messaging, etc. This will help attract people who don't know about your company and are just coming across the event.

H/T: Hubspot


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